République tchèque

Hungarian food - Typical meals in Hungary


Cooking in kettles is a legacy of the nomadic Magyars who settled what is now Hungary. Neighbouring cuisines, such as Austrian and Serbian have had an influence, as has Jewish cooking.

Main dishes

The traditional Hungarian dishes are rich in hot flavors and aromas. The flavors are based on remote traditions in spicing and preparation methods. Paprika and garlic are very used all over the country.

Hungarian salami is amongst the best in the world while goose liver is a prized delicacy. Sausages, such as Gyulaer, Csabaer and Debrecziner, are of fine quality. Pasta, dumplings and noodles are all popular.

Fish largely comes from fresh water, with varieties such as pike-perch, carp, trout, eel and zander (called fogas), a large fish caught in Lake Balaton. It is often coated with flour and paprika and pan-fried.


Whipped chestnut is a favourite dessert while pastries are very popular.

Hungarians are famous for their sweet tooth. While pastries and cakes are notably popular, so is marzipan. Specialist shops are dedicated to the almond paste with amazingly complex displays. There's even a Marzipan Museum in the Hilton Hotel in the Castle district with lots of items on sale.

See also

Hungarian cuisine

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