République tchèque

Hungarian living standard: purchasing power and welfare in Hungary


The indexes of development in Hungary reach the Western European standard. However, Hungarians are less satisfied with their lives than the OECD average. When asked to rate their satisfaction with life, Hungarians gave it a 4.9 grade on a scale from 0 to 10, compared to an average life satisfaction of 6.6 in OECD countries

The gradual building and widening of political freedom and the improvement of living circumstances also belonged to the characteristics of the old system. The western lifestyle arrived sometimes late and slightly distorted, but gained ground in Hungary as well.

"Valami van, de nem az igazi/There is some change visible, but not a thorough one yet" was the puzzling sentence of the Soviet humorist Arkagyij Rajkin, which perfectly reflected the merits of the Kádár era. There were TV sets, opportunities for western tourists to travel, foreign exchange allotment, rock and beat music, youth parks, lottery, pioneer towns, pensions, rare species of dogs, automatic washing machines, political-beat music and solidarity with Vietnam, increasing prosperity, the right to grumble and optimistic ideas about the future.

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To go further

Development indicators for Hungary

undp.org... - Human Development Indicators - Hungary

data.worldbank.org... - Hungary data from the World Bank


Social security

ssa.gov... - Social Security Programs in Hungary

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