République tchèque

Export to Hungary, import-export and customs regulations


The Hungarian economy is traditionnally open. Therefore trading with Hungary does not make any difficulty.

Other useful sections of the website

kuBusiness and trade in Hungary

kuTrade fairs in Hungary

kuEconomic sectors


To go further

General resources

globaltrade.net/ - Directory and market studies for Hungary, from GlobalTrade.net

intracen.org/country/hungary/ - International Trade Center, data for Hungary

export.gov/hungary - Business guide for Hungary, US Department of Commerce


Customs regulations & Import-Export

vam.hu - Hungarian Customs and Finance Guard

en.apeh.hu - National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) of Hungary

wto.org... - Hungary and WTO


Business opportunities

dgmarket.com/... - Tenders in Hungary, from DG Market


Useful addresses

mkik.hu - Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

amcham.hu - American Chamber of Commerce of Hungary


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